Gap Probabilities for Tuesday 7/13/2010

Gap Probabilities for Tuesday 7/13/2010
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These Probabilities Have lead to 100% Winning Trades so far!
Please note that the above factual statement does not mean that it is mathematically possible for this to continue for ever.  Having said that, I believe this system will help you gain remarkable advantage over random trades.

For help with using this guide visit Fading Opening Gaps 101.
For trading in general, the best place I have found so far is  
LBR Group 
headed by market wizard Linda Raschke. Beware that most other sites are scams.

Yesterday's Forecast and Recap
Yesterday's Forecast:
Before Gap
Table -2 does not support any gap play for Monday.  But Table -1 has strong values for opening above close and below the high of Friday(1071.75 to 1075.00).  I will take this trade if the gap is equal or more than 1 point.  Even though this is not supported by timing, the chance of winning is 81% with PF of 1.77 and there is no pivot points between the close and the high.
After Gap
 According to Table - 3, if the market opens above the high (1075 ) or below the low (1064.25) and closes the gap, it is likely that the price continues in the same direction for an additional 4 points.  I will take this trade also.

Yesterday's Recap:
Before Gap - ES opened at 1071,  Below the prior day's close of 1071.75 and and above prior day's open of 1066.25 (in C-O zone).  Win rate for this zone was 70% which is quite good.  But Profit factor was 1.24 which was good but below my personal criteria of 1.30 threshold.  I did not take this trade but the price moved up 6 points in 15 minutes.  Anyway, according to my criteria of minimum 1.30 for PF, there was no trade.
After Gap -  This trade would have triggered if the opening  price was either in H or L zones. The opening price was in C-O zone so no trade triggered..
Additional Comment: Don't be disappointed that this system has trade-able setups only for some days and even if we do have a setup, it may not triggered because the market does not open in a triggering zone.  I expect to see only one or two trades a week and perhaps 5 or 6 per month.  This is like digging gold and diamond hidden in the middle of tons of trash.
Today's Forecast Summary:
Before Gap
The only high probability area confirmed by both structure and timing is the H-C zone between 1077.25 and 1076.25 which is too narrow and probably will not trigger.
After Gap
According to Table - 3, if the market opens above the open (1071 ), probabilities are very good for this setup. We will have to wait for a move to close the gaps, then we enter in the direction of the move for 4 additional points.  Because of low true range of market, stop is at 5.
Today's Data:
ES pivot points:
R3:        1094.75
Fib 1.618: 1084.00
R2:        1084.00
Fib 1.272: 1080.25
R1:        1080.00
High:      1077.25
Close:     1076.25
Pivot:     1073.25
Open:      1071.00
S1:        1069.25
Low:       1066.50
Fib 1.272: 1063.50
S2:        1062.50
Fib 1.618: 1059.75
S3:        1051.75

Table - 1        Gap Fade Probabilities (based on Market Structure)
Profit Target = Gap Close, Stop = 5 points.

Opening Zone
> H H-C C-O O-L < L All All

Short Short Long Long Long Longs Shorts
1.06 2.68 0.22 1.38 0.41 0.89 1.40
PCT Prof
58% 81% 46% 67% 27% 58% 67%
Avg Loss
$269 $167 $179 $253 $227 $251 $228
Net Loss
$2,688 $500 $1,250 $1,263 $1,813 $17,588 $12,075
10 3 7 5 8 70 53
Avg Win
$204 $103 $46 $174 $250 $159 $160
Net Win
$2,850 $1,338 $275 $1,738 $750 $15,625 $16,938
14 13 6 10 3 98 106
Avg P/L
$7 $52 $75 $32 $97 $12 $31
$163 $838 $975 $475 $1,063 $1,963 $4,863
24 16 13 15 11 168 159

Table - 2     Gap Fade Probabilities(based on timing)
Profit Target = Gap Close, Stop = 5 points.

Opening Zone > H H-C C-O O-L < L All All
Short Short Short Long Long Longs Shorts
PF 1.09 1.27 1.82 0.64 1.11 1.14 1.05
PCT Prof 55% 80% 82% 37% 53% 68% 67%
Avg Loss $289 $299 $297 $243 $272 $288 $330
Net Loss $8,963 $5,088 $6,238 $4,125 $2,175 $25,888 $34,675
Loose 31 17 21 17 8 90 105
Avg Win $258 $98 $119 $265 $268 $154 $169
Net Win $9,800 $6,475 $11,350 $2,650 $2,413 $29,400 $36,350
Win 38 66 95 10 9 191 215
Avg P/L $12 $17 $44 $55 $14 $13 $5
Net $838 $1,388 $5,113 $1,475 $238 $3,513 $1,675
Total  69 83 116 27 17 281 320

Table - 3     After Gap probabilities(based on Market Structure)
Profit Target = 4 points, Stop = 5 points. Conditional probabilities after the gap is filled.

Opening Zone
> H H-C C-O O-L < L All All

Short Short Long Long Long Longs Shorts
1.87 9.20 1.83 1.02 100.00 1.59 1.41
PCT Prof
70% 92% 75% 58% 100% 68% 64%
Avg Loss
$250 $250 $250 $250 $0 $252 $244
Net Loss
$750 $250 $500 $1,250 $0 $8,075 $9,025
3 1 2 5 0 32 37
Avg Win
$200 $192 $152 $182 $200 $191 $192
Net Win
$1,400 $2,300 $913 $1,275 $600 $12,800 $12,700
7 12 6 7 3 67 66
Avg P/L
$65 $158 $52 $2 $200 $48 $36
$650 $2,050 $413 $25 $600 $4,725 $3,675
10 13 8 12 3 99 103
Good luck and please direct any questions or suggestions!

Copyright © Ali Mohseni 2010 Charts are created using Tradestation software.

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